Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Zebra Located?

Zebra’s Australia headquarters and main warehouse are located at 155 Smeaton Grange Road, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567, near Campbelltown Sydney.


How do I layout my Zebra mats?

Whether you are trying to match competition standards, or make a space that is uniquely yours, the Zebra Sales and Support teams will be glad to help you determine the best layout to meet your needs. Contact us at 1800 418 909 and we can provide you with a layout specific to your room.


What's the best way to carry my Zebra mats when moving them?

When handling your mats, the proper technique is to carry the mats vertically to eliminate any excessive bending.


How do I clean my Zebra mats?

We’re glad you asked. Clean mats are very important for maximum safety and performance. Please refer to our mat cleaning instructions:


Can I use bleach to disinfect my Zebra mats?

Zebra does not recommend using bleach on your mats as it can destroy the vinyl on the mats and can void your product warranty. We recommend you refer to our cleaning guidelines.


How do I repair a tear or cut in my Zebra mats?

You can find a vinyl repair kit at most hardware stores or online marketplaces. These are a clear epoxy designed to seal vinyl products. Follow the directions on the packaging.


What are Zebra's payment options?

We accept all major credit cards on our online store. EFT Transfers can be arranged by contacting us.

Zebra’s Australian headquarters and main warehouse are located at 155 Smeaton Grange Road, Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567.
